Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Mashed Turnips with Parmesan

The turnips
There is a fantastic little market about a 10 minute drive from my town. It sells loads of different kinds of produce, has a fish market with a sushi chef, a deli with fresh prepared dishes, and lots of funky packaged products. I like to spend time just walking the aisles, usually I walk them more than once. The prices for the products are typically less than the local chain grocery store, and it is much more enjoyable to shop at this small market.

On a recent trip, I picked up the purple-hued turnips in the photo above. I wasn't sure how I was going to prepare my new produce purchase, but decided to buy them anyway. The turnips sat in my refrigerator for about a week and a half before my Turkey and Wild Mushroom Mini Meatloaf dinner a couple nights ago. My family loves Mashed Cauliflower, therefore I thought made my turnips would be good candidates for a mashed version of themselves.

Ooooooh! They did not disappoint. We liked them even better than the Mashed Cauliflower. Upon mashing, the turnips do not become completely smooth; the resulting dish is more on the chunky side. The addition of the Parmesan cheese is a pleasant contrast to the slightly sweet turnip flavor.

Break the mashed potato habit. Turnips are loaded with vitamin C, and Mashed Turnips with Parmesan are a welcome side dish to your winter dinner table.

Mashed Turnips with Parmesan

Mashed Turnips with Parmesan

serves 5

about 4 turnips, peeled and cut in large dice
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese, with extra for sprinkling to top
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
salt to taste

Place the turnips in a large pot and and enough cold water to cover. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a gentle boil. Cook turnips for about 20 - 30 minutes or until fork tender.

Drain well and return to pot. Mash turnips until they a slightly chunky. If necessary, turn the heat on medium and cook off any liquid that has accumulated. Add the Parmesan cheese and mayonnaise and stir to combine. Season to taste with salt and sprinkle with extra Parmesan cheese if desired.

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