Jumat, 25 April 2008

Blogging with a Purpose

Thanks to Robin Sue at Big Red Kitchen for honoring me the Blogging with a Purpose award. She has a great foodie blog - she even has a recipe for tacos in a bag!! Go check out her blog. You won't regret it and will back visiting often.

This award is given by bloggers to bloggers that are blogging with a purpose. Now I get to bestow this honor on other bloggers I feel are working hard to make their blogs meaningful. I get to give this award to 5 fellow bloggers - drum roll please.........

My first award goes to Holly over at Phe/MOM/enon. She is cooking up one recipe at a time and throws in a little humor every once in a while. Next up is Nikki at the great foodie blog Canary Girl. Every recipe I have made of hers has turned out fantastic. Give her Chicken Verde a try. I am impressed with Warda's blog 64 sq. ft. Kitchen. All of her posts are in English and French! I have enough trouble writing in English let alone trying to translate to another language. Evil Chef Mom Krysta gets the next award because she thought of such an awesome name for her blog. If I would have thought of it first, I would have used it. She's really funny too. I like to honor moms who really know what raising kids is all about. Last but not least, I award Erin at erin's kitchen a Blogging with a Purpose award just because I am living vicariously through her as she eats, cooks and drinks her way around NYC.

Now for the rules -

1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.

2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.

3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.

4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to this site.

Okay. Let's see if I followed the rules. I was never very good at following rules. #1 check. #2 I think these blogs serve a purpose so I am checking that one off too. #3 & #4 I'm computer challenged so following these two rules is really not going to happen. I would need to spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out all the links I need to put in and then I would forget a " or a <. I copied off the guy next to me to get through my Computer 101 class in college. There is no guy sitting next to me now that I can cheat off of so this is the best I can do. I'm glad I'm not getting a grade for my blog.

Congrats to all and keep blogging.

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